AQAR (2022-2023)

Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)


6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (30)

6.5.1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes (10)

1. Mentor–Mentee role for students


It is the practice of the college to allot a faculty member as a mentor to the students. In the mentor- mentee process, the mentor looks after the allotted students in both personal and professional aspect. The mentor tries to understand the goals, interest and hobbies of the student and guide him how to achieve them.


 To provide efficient mentorship of each and every student of the college, total students of the college divided by number of facilities working in the college. So that mentor can provide proper counseling in relation to studies, career objectives and goals. The Mentor creates a bonding with the students and makes them feel comfortable in discussing and sharing their psycho-social and personal issues.


It helps the students to recognize their strength and weaknesses and with the support of Mentorship to overcome their weaknesses and convert it into their strength.

2. Organizing regular seminar, conference and workshop for students and faculty to strengthen Research culture in the Institution

IQAC encourages the faculty members and students to actively contribute in research activities in the college and outside the college. The college provides guidance and expertise to the faculty to publish research papers in UGC care listed, Scopus listed, WOS listed Journals. College conducts workshops, seminars and talk shows for the students to guide them how to write research papers and present them in seminars/ conferences and publish them in reputed Journals/ Magazines.

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