Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criteria 2- Teaching - Learning and Evaluation (350)

2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms (30)

2.5.1. Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode (15)



2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode:

LPCPS being an affiliated college of University of Lucknow, the previous five years have seen various changes in the pattern and marking scheme of internal evaluation for various academic programmes. The college ensures that the faculty and the students understand the mechanism of internal assessment process. The college maintains utmost transparency in the examination and subsequent evaluation process. All students are well informed about the transparency in Internal assessment.


Continuous Internal Asssessment (CIA)

In BBA, BCA, B.Com (Hons.) and BA-JMC professional courses the weightage of internal marks are of 30% whereas in B.Com and B.Sc the internal marks are of 20%.

The syllabus of each subject in every semester is divided into 4 units. After the completion of two units, internal assessment is carried out. Submission of an assignment is followed by a viva-voce to evaluate authencity of the work done by the students.


From the year 2015 to 2018, the two programmes B.Com and B.Sc (Maths) were annual course as per the curriculum of University. No weightage was allotted to internal examination till 2018, it was 100% weightage to external examinations. From 2019, these two programmes were converted into semester wise programme as per the curriculum of University so the total weightage of internal assessment is 20%  given and external assessment is of 80% of the total weightage.


B.Com (Hons.), BA-JMC, BCA and BBA being professional programmes are offered by the College. From year 2015, 70% of the total weightage was allocated to end semester external assessment while the remaining 30% of the total weightage was allotted to internal assessment. In BA-JMC from july 2021 the internal assessment weightage is 25% and external assessment weightage is 75%. Before july 2021 there was no weightage for internal assessment.


Continuous Internal Assessment

  • It is conducted through internal examinations which include

Sessionals (Tests & Cases)=15 marks

assignments/presentation= 10 marks

class participation/attendance= 5 marks

  • The summative evaluation process: 30 marks-Internals and 70- Externals depends on the programme policy as per university guidelines.
  • The theory paper marks in Internal Exams having weightage of 70 marks are converted into the ratio of 15 marks.
  • Those students who miss the Sessionals or assignments due to ill health or participation in extra-curricular activities of the college were given an opportunity to submit the assignment on an alternate date.


During the COVID-19 period, the mode has been shifted from offline to online for continuous internal evaluation. The students were provided with the details of E-Sarthi (College ERP). The link is as follows:



Internal Examinations- Codes of Conduct

  • DO NOT carry any unfair means with you such as books, note-books etc., mobile phones, smart phones or any digital equipments.
  • Bring your college Identity Card and Admit Card with you.
  • For any internal examination grievance, feel free to contact the Controller of Examinations, Dr. L.S. Awasthi by writing an application or by sending your internal examination related grievance on the email infolpcps@gmail.com
File Description Document
2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessmentView Document
Supporting DocumentView Document
Academic calendarView Document
LU ordinance for examination rules for UGView Document
LU Semester exam rulesView Document
LU ordinance for professional courses (70 and 30)View Document

2.5.2. Mechanism to deal with internal/external examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient (15)

2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time-bound and efficient.

The College maintains complete transparency in evaluation of the examination process. The college conducts internal examination well within the time frame of the college calendar. Proper conduct of Internal examination is ensured by the Principal, Controller of Examination and all the members of Examination Committee.

After the internal examination, the answer sheets are evaluated by the concerned course teacher. The respective subject teacher will hand over the answer sheets to the students for review and will discuss the answer with the students.

Grievance related to Internal Examination:

In case of any grievance, the student is advised to seek the Controller of Examinations by writing an application or by sending his/her grievance on the email id: infolpcps@gmail.com or internalexams.lpcps@gmail.com.

The Controller of Examination discusses it with the Principal and all Examination Committee members. The maximum time to resolve any grievance related to internal examination is 3 days from the date of grievance. The student is informed about the redressal of his/her grievance within the stipulated 3 days’ time.

Internal Examination Grievance Redressal Procedure:

  • For any internal examination related grievance, the college facilitate student to bring his/her grievance directly to Controller of Examination by writing an application mentioning his/her grievance or by sending his/her grievance on the email id: infolpcps@gmail.com or internalexams.lpcps@gmail.com.
  • The Controller of Examination in consultation with the Principal resolves the grievance and makes the necessary remark on the application which then comes back to the examination department.
  • The maximum time to resolve any internal examination grievance is 3 days.
  • After taking necessary steps, student is informed about the redressal of his/her grievance.

Thus the mechanism to deal with internal examinations related grievances is transparent, time-bound and efficient.

Internal Examinations- Codes of Conduct

  • Make sure that you are not carrying any unfair means with you such as books, note books, any paper etc.
  • DO NOT communicate with anyone during the internal examination hours.
  • DO NOT disobey the Invigilators.
  • DO NOT carry mobile phones, smart phones or any digital equipments with you.
  • Bring your college Identity Card and Admit Card with you.
  • For any internal examination grievance, feel free to contact the Controller of Examinations, Dr. L.S. Awasthi by writing an application or by sending your internal examination related grievance on the email infolpcps@gmail.com
  • Grievance related to External University Examinations:

In case of external end semester examination, students are given sufficient scope for the redressal of their grievances raised on evaluation of different papers. The students have two options either to file RTI or fill the scrutiny form. The students can download the scrutiny form through the University of Lucknow’s website and after completing the form it is submitted in the Examination department, University Of Lucknow. Link for the form is given below.


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Supporting DocumentView Document