Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criteria 5- Student Support and Progression (140)

5.4 Alumni Engagement (10)

5.4.1. There is a registered Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and/or other support services (5)




 The alumni association of Lucknow public college of professional studies was formed on 13th August 2021 under the title “Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies Alumni Association” with the Reg. No: LUC/05684/2021-22, with the objective of maintaining healthy relationships between the alumni and all the members of the college. LPCPS and the Alumni association jointly believe in creating and maintaining association with its alumni. The Alumni Association provides an interface for establishing a link between the alumni, staff, and students at the college. The Alumni Association registered office is on the college campus.

As of now, Alumni Association consists of 7 members i.e., President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 3 ex-official members. LPCPS Alumni Association has two categories of membership: 1. Lifetime Member and 2. General Member. The registration fee for Lifetime Member is Rs. 1000/- and for General Member is Rs. 100/- but also Association is ready to accept the donation of larger sums and welcomes any contribution from those who are willing to offer.

 Alumni Association Contribution through various means at LPCPS

1. Alumni Interaction: Alumni are invited as resource persons at various events, guest lectures and panel discussions. They provide inputs and share their experiences regarding skills, recent technologies & trends in corporate world, and corporate working culture.

2. Placement & Career Guidance Assistance: Alumni are working in organizations at various capacities. They keep the faculties and the placement officer abreast about the available job opportunities. They also share their experience with the students and motivate them for their career development in various domains.

3. Entrepreneurship Awareness: Some of our Alumni have established start-ups in different sectors, many of them are first generation entrepreneurs. They decided to become entrepreneurs during their academic span at LPCPS. Through the journey as an entrepreneur, they learnt various skills & knowledge. They enlighten the students with their success stories and challenges faced.

4. Alumni Meet: We at LPCPS have a tradition of inviting alumni for Annual Alumni Meet in the month of February. In this meet the alumni get chance to reconnect with the Alma mater and old friends. These inputs are helpful to academicians for molding the aspiring students. Alumni could generate a network of graduates who will, in turn, help to raise the profile of the College.

5. Promoting College Events: Alumni Associates will conduct various events at LPCPS. One of the mega events at XENIUM is a flagship event which is getting much more popular year after year. Alumni take active role in planning and organizing “XENIUM” as well as the branding of college.

LPCPS has also taken several steps to engage Alumni. Below is the list of events where LPCPS Alumni are engaged.

S. No.

Name of the Event




Alumni Meet - SANGAM


11:30 AM


Donation Drive (ARPAN)


10:30 AM


Alumni Meet-


11:00 A.M


Cricket Match (Friendly Cricket Match)


10:30 AM


5.4.2. Alumni contribution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) (5)

5.4.2. Alumni contribution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) (5)

5.4.2 Funds / Alumni contribution during the last five years                    




Amount Contributed in Cash


Alumni Meet

Not Conducted



Alumni Meet


Rs 190000


Alumni Meet


Rs 160000


Alumni Meet


Rs 160000


Alumni Meet


Rs 120000