Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criteria 3- Research, Innovations and Extension (110)

3.3- Extension Activities (60)

3.3.4. Average percentage of students participating in extension activities at 3.3.3. above during last five years Total number of Students participating in extension activities conducted in collaboration with industry, community and NonGovernment Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year wise during last five years (20)

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3.3.4. Additional InformationView Document
3.3.4._Yearwise_ReportView Document

3.3.1. Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the last five years (10)

Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies involves young minds in various extension activities conducted by the college and other organizations from time to time. The college organizes and motivates students to participate in various extension activities with a dual objective of not only sensitizing students about various social issues but also contributing to the community and strengthening community participation. The NSS units take part in various initiatives like environmental awareness, blood donation camps, cleanliness drives, Nukkad- Natak, cloth donation drives, old age home visits, etc.

Arpan- Every year the college conducts this campaign to save the poor from the cold in the winter season. Under this, the college collects clothes from the people and donates them to needy people. This tradition has been going on since 2016.

Nukkad-Natak- The drama club of the college takes the help of Nukkad-Natak to create awareness among the people. Under this programme, the college students visit major places in the city to make people aware of social problems like dowry, Major NGOs like “We Foundation” of the city also cooperates with the college in this from time to time.

Blood donation camps- To help the needy people, a blood donation camp is organized in the college, in which a large number of students and teachers help the people by donating blood.

Tree Plantation- The college celebrates its foundation day as Plantation Day. During this, a pledge is taken to make the environment green by planting saplings in and around the college.

Old age home visit- From the last year, a new tradition has been started with the aim of making the students aware of social responsibilities. Under this, college students go to the Old Age Home in the city to help the elderly there, as well as offer them some eatables and clothes.

7-Day Village Camp-  A seven-day camp is organized by NSS Unit at Nandpur village in Lucknow city. In this camp, students stay in the village for seven days and organize many programmes for cleanliness, plantation, and awareness of social issues there.

Impact- The college is constantly striving in the process of making the students better citizens. These objectives cannot be fulfilled through education alone. For this, it is necessary that the students are familiar with the problems of every section of society. In this sequence, this activity being conducted by the college is making the students more sensitive towards society. The ever-increasing participation of students in such activities is a sign that the institution is succeeding in its endeavor. The interaction of students outside the college is playing an important role in developing the art of communication in them. Thus students are sensitized to social issues and their holistic development. Such practices make them responsible and sensitive citizens of the country.

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Event photographs-3.3.1View Document
Event reports-3.3.1View Document
Event Notices-3.3.1View Document
combined fileView Document

3.3.2. Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognized bodies during the last five years (10)

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3.3.2. Number of awards and recognitions received during last five yearsView Document
E-certificate and PhotographsView Document

3.3.3. Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc., ( including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs ) during the last five years (20)

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3.3.3. Year wise ReportView Document
3.3.3. DATA TEMPLATEView Document
3.3.3. Additional InformationView Document