AQAR (2022-2023)

Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)


4.3 IT Infrastructure (30)

4.3.1. Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi (5)



Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi

The college has always given priority for up-gradation of IT facilities. The college provides continuous and regular Internet access throughout the campus and is Wi-Fi enabled. The college regularly updates the internet connection every year and as of now we have 5 multiple connections. Computers are installed at different places within the College campus (like computer lab (03), incubation cell, accounts office, administration office, principal office, library, examination cell, faculty rooms etc.).

  • We have a leased line connection of 35 mbps in our college.
  • We have multiple connections of Wi-Fi separately for students and teachers.
  • Since the entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled; all the computers including desktops as well as laptops can access internet facility.

The plans for infrastructural development and up-gradation are given top priority as the College realizes the correlation between adequate infrastructure and effective teaching – learning. The strategies adopted for ensuring adequate infrastructure are as follows:


  • At the beginning of the academic year, the college administration works for the up-gradation of existing infrastructure after assessment based on the suggestions from Heads of the departments, IT initiative and Website Committee report and lab technicians after reviewing course requirements, computer – student ratio, budget constraints , and also students grievances.
  • The college provides its students well-furnished computer labs, with 192 computers exclusively for students.
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