
Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criteria 2 - Teaching - Learning and Evaluation (350)

2.3. Teaching- Learning Process (50)

2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process. (15)

The college management plays a pivotal role in the quality assurance in the teaching-learning process and motivates teachers to adopt new tools and technology as a teaching aid in this modern era. The management enhances the facilities for the teachers and the students so that teachers may use ICT methods and tools for innovative teaching learning process to make it more effective and tech- savvy.


The academic committee helps in framing an action plan for the academic year by interacting with IQAC, faculty members, administration, laboratory staff and students.


The Head of the departments organize regular academic inspections to ensure effective implementation of teaching learning process specially using ICT methods and tools and maintenance of its records.


To improve the teaching-learning process ERP portal has been introduced. E-Sarthi is being used by the teachers for taking exams of students. Teachers use to take online classes through ZOOM, GOOGLE MEET, MS TEAM app, GOOGLE CLASS ROOMS etc. Examinations are held via ERP. Students are supposed to take online examinations. MCQs are designed by the teachers of their respective subjects and are uploaded on the ERP portal. PowerPoint presentations and pdf notes are also used by the teachers to teach the students. Online quizzes with the help of Google form is held for the students to make them practice regarding online testing platform.

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