
Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criteria 6 - Governance, Leadership and Management (100)

6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment (10)

6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc. (4)

The effectiveness and efficiency of institutional bodies are evident through their welldefined policies, streamlined administrative setups, and robust appointment and service rules. These foundational elements collectively contribute to the seamless functioning of our institution.  

Our policies serve as guiding principles, outlining the institution's objectives and strategies. Our well-crafted policy framework ensures clarity and consistency in decision-making processes, fostering a conducive environment for achieving institutional goals. Moreover, these policies often reflect a commitment to transparency and accountability, enhancing our institution's credibility.  

The administrative setup plays a pivotal role in executing policies and managing day-today operations. An efficient organizational structure promotes coordination, communication, and the optimal use of resources. Clear lines of authority and welldefined roles contribute to a smoother workflow, reducing the likelihood of bottlenecks and inefficiencies.  

Procedures act as the operational manual, detailing step-by-step processes to achieve specific tasks. Well-designed procedures facilitate consistency, reduce errors, and enhance overall efficiency. 

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HR policy 6.2.2View Document
1st Revised HR PoliciesView Document