AQAR (2022-2023)

Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)


2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome (60)

2.6.1. Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students. (15)

2.6.1 Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students

This is a strict compliance with the output of outcome based educations, the programme outcomes, programme specific outcomes and course outcomes are formed by the college offering the program. After the completion of consensus, these are widely propagated through different ways like display, communication by faculty, through ERP and website, Laboratories etc. Some other methods also employed by the college to aware the students about Programme outcome, Programme specific outcome and course outcome like student faculty meeting, meeting of HOD’s with faculty, student induction programs, professional body meeting and library. College also has few more methods for awareness of these outcomes like mentor-mentee concept, class teachers and course coordinators. POs include many areas of inter-related knowledge, skills and personality character that are to be acquired by the students during their graduation. Program specific outcomes (PSOs) are the precise skill requirements and happenings to be fulfilled by the students at micro level and by the end of the program. The head of department prepare the PSOs, usually two to four in number, in discussion with course coordinators. The Course Outcomes are prepared by the course coordinator in consultation with concerned faculty members teaching the same course

File Description Document
Additional Information Link-2.6.1_nView Document
BBA PO'S , CO'SView Document
BCA PO'S,PSO'S,CO'SView Document PO's, PSO'S, CO'sView Document (Honours) PO'S, PSO'S, CO'SView Document
B.Sc PO'S, PSO'S, CO'sView Document
BAJMC PO'S, PSO'S, CO'SView Document

2.6.2. Attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution. (15)

2.6.2. Attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution.

Each course has a defined set of course outcomes and consequent evaluation criteria. The course outcomes are matched to the program outcomes which are being used to provide the quantitative depth that how well the program outcomes are achieved. The performance of the students in the examinations during the semester in each course is used to calculate the level of attainment of the POs and PSOs through the mapping of questions to COs and COs to POs and PSOs. CO-PO & PSO mapping for all the courses in the program. Assessment methods include different methods. This method includes mainly two methods (Direct method and indirect method). Direct Method: This method involves mid semester examinations, semester examinations, annual examinations, assignments, presentations and quiz. Indirect method: This method has a wide range like feedback of students and alumni, internship of students, placement of students and students proceeding for higher studies

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2.6.2Attainment of Programme outcome and course outcome evaluated by collegeView Document
Additional information Link -2.6.2View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document For InternshipsView Document
2.6.2 Supporting Documents for placementsView Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document for annual and end semester university examinationView Document
2.6.2 Supporting documents for internal AssessmentView Document
2.6.2 Supporting Documents for feedback evaluationView Document
2.6.2 Supporting Documents for Higher StudiesView Document

2.6.3. Average pass percentage of Students during last five years Total number of final year students who passed the university examination year wise during the last five years Total number of final year students who appeared for the university examination year wise during the last five years (30)

File Description Document
2.6.3 Average Pass Percentage of Students of 2022-23 newView Document
Data template(Average Pass percentage of students 2022-23)View Document
Additional Information LinkView Document
2.6.3 Certified letter from Head of InstitutionView Document
2.6.3 List of Students of year 2022-23View Document
Annual Report of COE (2022-23)View Document