
Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criteria 2 - Teaching - Learning and Evaluation (350)

2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile (40)

2.1.1 Average Enrollment percentage (Average of last five years) (20)

File Description Document
Average enrollment percentage 2021-22View Document
2.1.1 DATA TEMPLATEView Document
2.1.1 INTAKE SANCTION LETTER OF LU 2021-22View Document
2.1.1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2021-22View Document

2.1.2 Number of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the year ( exclusive of supernumerary seats) (20)

File Description Document
2.1.2 DATA TEMPLATEView Document
Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved (Scan) 2021-22View Document
ADMISSION ORDINANCE 2021-22View Document
2.1 Number of students during the year 2021-22View Document
2.2View Document

2.2. Catering to Student Diversity (50)

2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners (30)

File Description Document
Notice for Bridge Course 21-22View Document
Sample of syllabus for Bridge CourseView Document
Sample of assessment question paper for Bridge CourseView Document
Sample of attendance for Bridge CourseView Document
Sample of Geotag Photographs 21-22View Document
Institutional assessment of student 21-22View Document
Sample of certificates for Value added Course 21-22View Document
Sample of Geo tag Photogrphs for Value added CourseView Document
Syllabus of add on courses 21-22View Document
Additional FilesView Document

2.2.2 Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) (20)

Data requirement: 

  • Total number of Students enrolled in the Institution 1571
  • Total number of full-time teachers in the Institution 28

Formula:   Students: teachers

Ratio = Total number of Students enrolled in the Institution / Total number of full-time teachers in the Institution

Ratio = 1571 /28

= 56.11

File Description Document
2.2.2. Additional FilesView Document

2.3. Teaching- Learning Process (50)

2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences (20)

File Description Document
Innovative Teaching PedagogyView Document
Special Academic SessionsView Document
Industrial VisitsView Document
Rashtriya Job Fest 21-22View Document
International ConferenceView Document
WorkshopsView Document
National And International DaysView Document
Activities by various clubsView Document
Social EventsView Document
College EventsView Document
Student Centric Methods 21-22View Document
Sample International ConferenceView Document
Sample of Faculty Development ProgramView Document
Sample of SeminarsView Document
Sample of Guest LecturesView Document
Additional Files 21-22View Document

2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process. (15)

The college management plays a pivotal role in the quality assurance in the teaching-learning process and motivates teachers to adopt new tools and technology as a teaching aid in this modern era. The management enhances the facilities for the teachers and the students so that teachers may use ICT methods and tools for innovative teaching learning process to make it more effective and tech- savvy.


The academic committee helps in framing an action plan for the academic year by interacting with IQAC, faculty members, administration, laboratory staff and students.


The Head of the departments organize regular academic inspections to ensure effective implementation of teaching learning process specially using ICT methods and tools and maintenance of its records.


To improve the teaching-learning process ERP portal has been introduced. E-Sarthi is being used by the teachers for taking exams of students. Teachers use to take online classes through ZOOM, GOOGLE MEET, MS TEAM app, GOOGLE CLASS ROOMS etc. Examinations are held via ERP. Students are supposed to take online examinations. MCQs are designed by the teachers of their respective subjects and are uploaded on the ERP portal. PowerPoint presentations and pdf notes are also used by the teachers to teach the students. Online quizzes with the help of Google form is held for the students to make them practice regarding online testing platform.

File Description Document
ICT enabled Classroom-photographsView Document
ICT usage photosView Document
Link FileView Document

2.3.3 Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year ) (15)

File Description Document
2.3.3 CIRCULAR BY HOI (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 APPROVED LIST OF FULL TIME TEACHERS (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 APPROVED LIST OF MENTORS (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BBA) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BCOM) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BCH) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BCA) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BA-JMC) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BSC) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BBA (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BCOM (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BCOM-H (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BCA (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BA-JMC (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BSC (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 COMBINE LIST OF MENTEES 2021-22 (EXCEL)View Document
2.3.3 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (2021-22)View Document

2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality (60)

2.4.1 Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the year (20)

File Description Document
Percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts (2021-22)View Document
LPSCP- Full time Faculty (2021-22)View Document
Sanction Letter 2021-22View Document
LPCPS- Full time faculty list (2021-22)View Document

2.4.2 Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Super speciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the year(consider only highest degree for count) (20)

File Description Document
List of Full time Ph.D. teachers_2021-22View Document
Merged file of Highest Degree documentView Document

2.4.3 Number of years of teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest completed academic year) (20)

File Description Document
Avg_teaching experience of full-time teachers in the same institutionView Document

2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms (30)

2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode (15)

LPCPS has transparent mechanism of organizing and conduction internal examinations. Which are followed according the ordinance of University of Lucknow. 
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) – Assessment mechanism 
In BBA, B.Com ,BSc and BA-JMC programmes, the weightage of internal marks are of 25% whereas in B.Com(H) and BCA the internal marks are of 30%.

  • Description of Internal Assessment in BBA, B.Com ,BSc and BA-JMC programmes as per University of Lucknow, Lucknow

Internal assessment is bifurcated aforementioned below, which is according to University of Lucknow
Presentation/ Sessional (Tests & Cases) =10 marks
Assignment = 10 marks
Attendance= 5 marks

  •   Description of Internal Assessment in BCA and B.Com (H) programmes as per University of Lucknow, Lucknow

Internal assessment is bifurcated aforementioned below, which is according to University of Lucknow
Class test = 20 marks
Teachers assessment = 10 marks
•    The college also conducts internal examination through institutional ERP. Details of examination through ERP are aforementioned below. (Even semester) (Odd semester)
•    Grievance related to Internal Examination:
In case of any grievance, the student is advised to seek the Controller of Examination by writing an application or by sending his/her grievance on the email on or on which are subjected to resolve within three working days.

File Description Document
seating allotmentView Document
Question paper sampleView Document
Additional DocumentView Document
DateSheet and Exam NoticeView Document
Record of AttendanceView Document
exam duty listView Document
University circular for Internal marksView Document

2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal/external examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient (15)

Grievance related to Internal Examination:
In case of any grievance, the student is advised to seek the Controller of Examinations by writing an application or by sending his/her grievance on the email id: or
The Controller of Examination discusses it with the Principal and Examination Committee members. The maximum time to resolve any grievance related to internal examination is three days from the date of grievance and inform the same to students.
Internal Examination Grievance Redressal Procedure:
•    For any grievance related to examination, students may send their grievance(s) by filling e-form available on institutional web portal also.
•    The maximum time to resolve any internal examination grievance is 3 days.
•    After taking necessary steps, student is informed about the redressal of his/her grievance.
•    Grievance related to External University Examinations:
In case of grievance related to external examination, students may file RTI or fill the scrutiny form available on concern University portal. Link is given below.

File Description Document

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome (60)

2.6.1 Teachers and students are aware of the stated Programme and course outcomes of the Programmes offered by the institution. (15)

This is a strict compliance with the output of outcome based educations, the programme outcomes, programme specific outcomes and course outcomes are formed by the college offering the program. After the completion of consensus, these are widely propagated through different ways like display, communication by faculty, through ERP and website, Laboratories etc. Some other methods also employed by the college to aware the students about Programme outcome, Programme specific outcome and course outcome like student faculty meeting, meeting of HOD’s with faculty, student induction programs, professional body meeting and library. College also has few more methods for awareness of these outcomes like mentor-mentee concept, class teachers and course coordinators. POs include many areas of inter-related knowledge, skills and personality character that are to be acquired by the students during their graduation. Program specific outcomes (PSOs) are the precise skill requirements and happenings to be fulfilled by the students at micro level and by the end of the program. The head of department prepare the PSOs, usually two to four in number, in discussion with course coordinators. The Course Outcomes are prepared by the course coordinator in consultation with concerned faculty members teaching the same course.

File Description Document
BBA PO,CO's 2021-22View Document
BCA PO'S, PSO'S, CO'S 2021-22View Document
Additional Information Link-2.6.1 of 2021-22View Document PO's, PSO'S, CO's 2021-22View Document (Honours) PO'S, PSO'S, CO'S 2021-22View Document
B.Sc PO'S, PSO'S, CO's 2021-22View Document
BAJMC PO'S, PSO'S, CO'S 2021-22View Document

2.6.2 Attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution. (15)

Each course has a defined set of course outcomes and consequent evaluation criteria. The course outcomes are matched to the program outcomes which are being used to provide the quantitative depth that how well the program outcomes are achieved. The performance of the students in the examinations during the semester in each course is used to calculate the level of attainment of the POs and PSOs through the mapping of questions to COs and COs to POs and PSOs. CO-PO & PSO mapping for all the courses in the program. Assessment methods include different methods. This method includes mainly two methods (Direct method and indirect method). Direct Method: This method involves mid semester examinations, semester examinations, annual examinations, assignments, presentations and quiz. Indirect method: This method has a wide range like feedback of students and alumni, internship of students, placement of students and students proceeding for higher studies.

File Description Document
2.6.2 Attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes evaluated by the institution of 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document for annual and end semester university examination of 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document for Internal Assessment of 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Documents for feedback evaluation of 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Documents for Higher Studies 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document For Internships 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document for Placement 2021-22View Document
Additional Information Link 2.6.2 of 2021-22View Document

2.6.3 Pass percentage of Students during the year

File Description Document
Data template of the academic Session 2021-22View Document
Additional Information Link-2.6.3 of 2021-22View Document
2.6.3 Average Pass Percentage of Students of the academic session 2021-22View Document
2.6.3 Certified letter from Head of Institution 2021-22View Document
Annual Report of COE (2021-22)View Document
2.3 Final year student list of the academic year 2021-22View Document

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey (60)

2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink) (60)

File Description Document
2.7.1 DATA TEMPLATEView Document