
Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criteria 1 - Curricular Aspects (100)

1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation (20)

1.1.1. The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process (10)

File Description Document
Time Table & Lecture Plan 21-22View Document

1.1.2. The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE (5)


1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE (2021-22)

Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies is established with a mission of imparting quality education for students. The College strongly follows a transparent method and has a well-defined standard operating procedure for conducting the academic and allied activities. The college prepares Academic Calendar by considering the prescribed guidelines. Academic Calendar is a strong foundation of academic activities and propagates to the vision and mission of the college. Preparation of Academic Calendar begins before the commencement of academic session. It is placed to the Governing Body through IQAC Cell for final approval. The Academic Calendar is displayed on college notice board and website. Effectiveness of the entire process is maintained by the Office of the Principal with the objective of incorporating inquisitiveness and scientific temper among the students through diverse activities. The Academic Calendar contains information regarding, working Days, Curricular Activities, Co-curricular Activities, Extracurricular Activities, Internal Examinations, University Exams, and Amendments etc.

File Description Document
1.1.2 NOTICE OF ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2021-22View Document
1.1.2 APPROVED ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2021-22View Document
1.1.2 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2021-22 ON WEBSITEView Document

1.1.3. Teachers of the Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating University and/are represented on the following academic bodies during the year (5)

File Description Document
Teachers of the institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating universityView Document
Leave documents 1.1.3View Document
supporting documents 1.1.3View Document
Data template 1.1.3View Document
Additional informationView Document
Master File 1.1.3View Document

1.2 Academic Flexibility (30)

1.2.1. Number of Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/ elective course system has been implemented (10)

1.2.2. Number of Add on /Certificate programs offered during the year (10)

File Description Document
Any Additional InformationView Document
SyllabusView Document
Data templateView Document

1.2.3. Number of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on programs as against the total number of students during the year (10)

File Description Document
Data TemplateView Document
Any Additional DocumentsView Document

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment (30)

1.3.1. Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum (10)

The Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies being affiliated from University of Lucknow, sincerely follows the curriculum as designed by the University. University of Lucknow has incorporated cross cutting issues in the areas of Gender, Environment, Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics in curriculum across streams for educational delivery. This is evident as the University has a mandate by passing ordinance 2015 of granting Bachelor’s degree to any student, if and only the student clears a course titled “Environmental Science & Rashtra Gaurav”. The course ensures that the student has gone through issues of environment conservation and national importance.

Apart from university curriculum, the College recognizes the end-goal of education to be for the betterment of the society, community and the nation. As such several initiatives have been undertaken on social, environmental and human issues which are beyond the framework of the academic curriculum. Understanding the responsibility of the college on such pressing concerns, the initiatives, visible in words and action, have been well integrated. The college has done exemplary work in changing one‘s orientation towards sensitive issues of gender equality, human rights, social empowerment, environmental and climatic changes and many more via organizing guest lectures, workshops, panel discussions  and different outreach activities with help of NSS. Hence, the college ensures that every student has been introduced to environmental sustainability and human values associated with Indian culture.

File Description Document
Any Additional InformationView Document
List & Description of courses which addresses the Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the CurriculumView Document
Syllabus of CoursesView Document
OrdinanceView Document
Initiatives Undertaken Beyond the Framework of the Academic CurriculumView Document

1.3.2. Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship during the year (10)

File Description Document
Data TemplateView Document
Academics Council MinutesView Document
SyllabusView Document
Any Additional InformationView Document
Minutes of Academic CouncilView Document

1.3.3. Number of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year) (10)

File Description Document
Data TemplateView Document
Any Additional DocumentsView Document

1.4 Feedback System (20)

1.4.1. Institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution from the following stakeholders (10)

File Description Document
NOTICES 2021-22View Document
ATR 2021-22View Document

1.4.2. Feedback process of the Institution may be classified as follows (10)

Criteria 2 - Teaching - Learning and Evaluation (350)

2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile (40)

2.1.1 Average Enrollment percentage (Average of last five years) (20)

File Description Document
Average enrollment percentage 2021-22View Document
2.1.1 DATA TEMPLATEView Document
2.1.1 INTAKE SANCTION LETTER OF LU 2021-22View Document
2.1.1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2021-22View Document

2.1.2 Number of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the year ( exclusive of supernumerary seats) (20)

File Description Document
2.1.2 DATA TEMPLATEView Document
Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved (Scan) 2021-22View Document
ADMISSION ORDINANCE 2021-22View Document
2.1 Number of students during the year 2021-22View Document
2.2View Document

2.2. Catering to Student Diversity (50)

2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners (30)

File Description Document
Notice for Bridge Course 21-22View Document
Sample of syllabus for Bridge CourseView Document
Sample of assessment question paper for Bridge CourseView Document
Sample of attendance for Bridge CourseView Document
Sample of Geotag Photographs 21-22View Document
Institutional assessment of student 21-22View Document
Sample of certificates for Value added Course 21-22View Document
Sample of Geo tag Photogrphs for Value added CourseView Document
Syllabus of add on courses 21-22View Document
Additional FilesView Document

2.2.2 Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) (20)

Data requirement: 

  • Total number of Students enrolled in the Institution 1571
  • Total number of full-time teachers in the Institution 28

Formula:   Students: teachers

Ratio = Total number of Students enrolled in the Institution / Total number of full-time teachers in the Institution

Ratio = 1571 /28

= 56.11

File Description Document
2.2.2. Additional FilesView Document

2.3. Teaching- Learning Process (50)

2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences (20)

File Description Document
Innovative Teaching PedagogyView Document
Special Academic SessionsView Document
Industrial VisitsView Document
Rashtriya Job Fest 21-22View Document
International ConferenceView Document
WorkshopsView Document
National And International DaysView Document
Activities by various clubsView Document
Social EventsView Document
College EventsView Document
Student Centric Methods 21-22View Document
Sample International ConferenceView Document
Sample of Faculty Development ProgramView Document
Sample of SeminarsView Document
Sample of Guest LecturesView Document
Additional Files 21-22View Document

2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process. (15)

The college management plays a pivotal role in the quality assurance in the teaching-learning process and motivates teachers to adopt new tools and technology as a teaching aid in this modern era. The management enhances the facilities for the teachers and the students so that teachers may use ICT methods and tools for innovative teaching learning process to make it more effective and tech- savvy.


The academic committee helps in framing an action plan for the academic year by interacting with IQAC, faculty members, administration, laboratory staff and students.


The Head of the departments organize regular academic inspections to ensure effective implementation of teaching learning process specially using ICT methods and tools and maintenance of its records.


To improve the teaching-learning process ERP portal has been introduced. E-Sarthi is being used by the teachers for taking exams of students. Teachers use to take online classes through ZOOM, GOOGLE MEET, MS TEAM app, GOOGLE CLASS ROOMS etc. Examinations are held via ERP. Students are supposed to take online examinations. MCQs are designed by the teachers of their respective subjects and are uploaded on the ERP portal. PowerPoint presentations and pdf notes are also used by the teachers to teach the students. Online quizzes with the help of Google form is held for the students to make them practice regarding online testing platform.

File Description Document
ICT enabled Classroom-photographsView Document
ICT usage photosView Document
Link FileView Document

2.3.3 Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year ) (15)

File Description Document
2.3.3 CIRCULAR BY HOI (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 APPROVED LIST OF FULL TIME TEACHERS (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 APPROVED LIST OF MENTORS (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BBA) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BCOM) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BCH) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BCA) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BA-JMC) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 LIST OF MENTEES (BSC) 2021-22View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BBA (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BCOM (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BCOM-H (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BCA (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BA-JMC (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 SAMPLE - BSC (2021-22)View Document
2.3.3 COMBINE LIST OF MENTEES 2021-22 (EXCEL)View Document
2.3.3 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (2021-22)View Document

2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality (60)

2.4.1 Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the year (20)

File Description Document
Percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts (2021-22)View Document
LPSCP- Full time Faculty (2021-22)View Document
Sanction Letter 2021-22View Document
LPCPS- Full time faculty list (2021-22)View Document

2.4.2 Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Super speciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the year(consider only highest degree for count) (20)

File Description Document
List of Full time Ph.D. teachers_2021-22View Document
Merged file of Highest Degree documentView Document

2.4.3 Number of years of teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest completed academic year) (20)

File Description Document
Avg_teaching experience of full-time teachers in the same institutionView Document

2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms (30)

2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode (15)

LPCPS has transparent mechanism of organizing and conduction internal examinations. Which are followed according the ordinance of University of Lucknow. 
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) – Assessment mechanism 
In BBA, B.Com ,BSc and BA-JMC programmes, the weightage of internal marks are of 25% whereas in B.Com(H) and BCA the internal marks are of 30%.

  • Description of Internal Assessment in BBA, B.Com ,BSc and BA-JMC programmes as per University of Lucknow, Lucknow

Internal assessment is bifurcated aforementioned below, which is according to University of Lucknow
Presentation/ Sessional (Tests & Cases) =10 marks
Assignment = 10 marks
Attendance= 5 marks

  •   Description of Internal Assessment in BCA and B.Com (H) programmes as per University of Lucknow, Lucknow

Internal assessment is bifurcated aforementioned below, which is according to University of Lucknow
Class test = 20 marks
Teachers assessment = 10 marks
•    The college also conducts internal examination through institutional ERP. Details of examination through ERP are aforementioned below. (Even semester) (Odd semester)
•    Grievance related to Internal Examination:
In case of any grievance, the student is advised to seek the Controller of Examination by writing an application or by sending his/her grievance on the email on or on which are subjected to resolve within three working days.

File Description Document
seating allotmentView Document
Question paper sampleView Document
Additional DocumentView Document
DateSheet and Exam NoticeView Document
Record of AttendanceView Document
exam duty listView Document
University circular for Internal marksView Document

2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal/external examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient (15)

Grievance related to Internal Examination:
In case of any grievance, the student is advised to seek the Controller of Examinations by writing an application or by sending his/her grievance on the email id: or
The Controller of Examination discusses it with the Principal and Examination Committee members. The maximum time to resolve any grievance related to internal examination is three days from the date of grievance and inform the same to students.
Internal Examination Grievance Redressal Procedure:
•    For any grievance related to examination, students may send their grievance(s) by filling e-form available on institutional web portal also.
•    The maximum time to resolve any internal examination grievance is 3 days.
•    After taking necessary steps, student is informed about the redressal of his/her grievance.
•    Grievance related to External University Examinations:
In case of grievance related to external examination, students may file RTI or fill the scrutiny form available on concern University portal. Link is given below.

File Description Document

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome (60)

2.6.1 Teachers and students are aware of the stated Programme and course outcomes of the Programmes offered by the institution. (15)

This is a strict compliance with the output of outcome based educations, the programme outcomes, programme specific outcomes and course outcomes are formed by the college offering the program. After the completion of consensus, these are widely propagated through different ways like display, communication by faculty, through ERP and website, Laboratories etc. Some other methods also employed by the college to aware the students about Programme outcome, Programme specific outcome and course outcome like student faculty meeting, meeting of HOD’s with faculty, student induction programs, professional body meeting and library. College also has few more methods for awareness of these outcomes like mentor-mentee concept, class teachers and course coordinators. POs include many areas of inter-related knowledge, skills and personality character that are to be acquired by the students during their graduation. Program specific outcomes (PSOs) are the precise skill requirements and happenings to be fulfilled by the students at micro level and by the end of the program. The head of department prepare the PSOs, usually two to four in number, in discussion with course coordinators. The Course Outcomes are prepared by the course coordinator in consultation with concerned faculty members teaching the same course.

File Description Document
BBA PO,CO's 2021-22View Document
BCA PO'S, PSO'S, CO'S 2021-22View Document
Additional Information Link-2.6.1 of 2021-22View Document PO's, PSO'S, CO's 2021-22View Document (Honours) PO'S, PSO'S, CO'S 2021-22View Document
B.Sc PO'S, PSO'S, CO's 2021-22View Document
BAJMC PO'S, PSO'S, CO'S 2021-22View Document

2.6.2 Attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution. (15)

Each course has a defined set of course outcomes and consequent evaluation criteria. The course outcomes are matched to the program outcomes which are being used to provide the quantitative depth that how well the program outcomes are achieved. The performance of the students in the examinations during the semester in each course is used to calculate the level of attainment of the POs and PSOs through the mapping of questions to COs and COs to POs and PSOs. CO-PO & PSO mapping for all the courses in the program. Assessment methods include different methods. This method includes mainly two methods (Direct method and indirect method). Direct Method: This method involves mid semester examinations, semester examinations, annual examinations, assignments, presentations and quiz. Indirect method: This method has a wide range like feedback of students and alumni, internship of students, placement of students and students proceeding for higher studies.

File Description Document
2.6.2 Attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes evaluated by the institution of 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document for annual and end semester university examination of 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document for Internal Assessment of 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Documents for feedback evaluation of 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Documents for Higher Studies 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document For Internships 2021-22View Document
2.6.2 Supporting Document for Placement 2021-22View Document
Additional Information Link 2.6.2 of 2021-22View Document

2.6.3 Pass percentage of Students during the year

File Description Document
Data template of the academic Session 2021-22View Document
Additional Information Link-2.6.3 of 2021-22View Document
2.6.3 Average Pass Percentage of Students of the academic session 2021-22View Document
2.6.3 Certified letter from Head of Institution 2021-22View Document
Annual Report of COE (2021-22)View Document
2.3 Final year student list of the academic year 2021-22View Document

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey (60)

2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink) (60)

File Description Document
2.7.1 DATA TEMPLATEView Document

Criteria 3 - Research, Innovations and Extension (110)

3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research (15)

3.1.1 Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects, endowments, Chairs in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) (5)

File Description Document

3.1.2 Number of departments having Research projects funded by government and non government agencies during the year

3.1.3 Number of Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by the institution during the year

File Description Document
3.1.3-data template[2021-22]View Document
3.1.3-Report of Number of Seminars-conferences-workshopsView Document
3.1.3-Additional Document TemplateView Document

3.1.4 Number of Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by the institution during the last five years (5)

3.2 Research Publication and Awards (15)

3.2.1 Number of papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year (5)

File Description Document
Research Papers in UGC Care CY 2021View Document
Research Paper 1View Document
Research Paper 2View Document
Additional InformationView Document

3.2.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during the year (10)

File Description Document
Books published in CY 21View Document

3.3.2 Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognized bodies during the year (10)

File Description Document
Any additional informationView Document
E- Copy of AwardView Document
Number of awards for extension activities in a yearView Document

3.3 Extension Activities (60)

3.3.1Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the year (10)

File Description Document
Extension Activity ReportsView Document
List of Activities (Excel with Links)View Document
List of Activities Hard CopyView Document
Link for Additional InformationView Document

3.3.3 Number of students participating in extension activities at 3.3.3. above during the year (20)

File Description Document
NSS Extension Report Par 1View Document
NSS Extension Report Par 2View Document

3.3.4 Number of students participating in extension activities at 3.3.3. above during the year (20)

3.4 Extension Activities (50)

3.4.1 The Institution has several collaborations/linkages for Faculty exchange, Student exchange, Internship, Field trip, On-the- job training, research etc during the year. (10)

File Description Document
e copiesView Document
Additional InfoView Document

3.4.2 Number of functional MoUs with national and international institutions, universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the year (10)

File Description Document
Data TemplateView Document
e copiesView Document
Any Additional DocumentsView Document

3.5 Collaboration (20)

Criteria 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)

4.1 Physical Facilities (30)

4.1.1 The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc. (5)

Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies is located in a well-connected area of the city at the bank of Kathauta Lake, providing a lush green vast playground for sports activities, swimming pool, well maintained infrastructure, state-of-the-art auditorium and a conference room for seminars and conferences at national and international level, class rooms and well equipped laboratories.

Classrooms: Classrooms are spacious, well ventilated and equipped with LCD projectors screens and podium. The seating capacity of a class room is of 60 students.

Computer Labs: There are three well equipped computer labs with latest configuration of hardware and software.

Library: The library has a collection of Textbooks, Reference and Rare-books, Journals, magazines, e-journal and e-book. The library is using fully automating Integrated Library Management System-KOHA software.

Laboratories: LPCPS provides well-equipped laboratories for its students. Physics and chemistry labs have been built for a better experience and learning process of student.

Conference Hall: The college has well equipped hall with ICT facilities and Audio-Video recording system.

Media Lab - We have BAJMC lab with separate audio, visual and editing rooms for the overall learning and development in media field.

Incubation Room: LPCPS has a well-furnished and well-designed incubation room. All the group activities and discussions take place here.

File Description Document
Additional InfoView Document
Infrastructure PhotosView Document

4.1.2 The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga etc (5)

The college focuses on overall development of the students through participation in co - curricular activities and extra-curricular activities. Sports are encouraged amongst students to groom them with qualities like leadership, team spirit and competitiveness. Ever since the inception of the college, the objective has been to provide holistic experience to the students and hence has taken measures to develop necessary infrastructure to achieve it. 

Sports & Games: The College has well equipped facilities for indoor sports like Table-Tennis, Carrom, and Chess etc. Some of the outdoor sports activities carried out are Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket, Football, Kabaddi etc. Individual sports activities like Wushu and swimming are encouraged.

Auditorium: It is extensively used by the students for extra-curricular activities and academic activities. This well-furnished fully equipped and air-conditioned auditorium has a seating capacity of 1500.

Gymnasium: The College has an in-house open gym facility which the faculty and students can avail. The gymnasium has facilities like cycle, abdominal bench, Weights and Dumbbells. Regular Yoga sessions are also held in the college.

Clubs- A club is “a group of students organized with a similar interest for a social, literary, athletic, political, or other common purpose”. Students have the opportunity to join any of these clubs in pursuit of their interest. In total there are 10 clubs functioning in the College.

File Description Document
Photos (cultural & sports)View Document
Additional LinkView Document

4.1.3 Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc. (10)

File Description Document
Percentage of ICT enabled classroomsView Document
Data TemplateView Document
Smart ClassroomsView Document
LMS photographsView Document
Projector BillView Document
Additional Link-FileView Document

4.1.4 Expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year(INR in Lakhs) (10)

File Description Document
Audited balance sheet 21-22View Document
Details of Maintenance of Physical and Academic ExpenditureView Document
Average percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year (2021-2022) (1)View Document

4.2 Library as a learning Resource (20)

4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) (4)

4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)

The Swami Vivekananda Library is located in the basement of A block building. The library area is 2407.89 Sqf (223.70 Sqm). This library has a seating capacity of approximately 100 students. There are 20438 bar-coded books (maximum), 14 computers with Wi-Fi facilities using and one projector with screen in this library. This library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS). KOHA, based on cloud service which gives a user-friendly interface for searching resources in the library, along with its positions and availability status. The library has Web – OPAC for providing remote access to its students, faculties and other staff members.

Name of the ILMS Software


Nature of automation



Year of automation



KOHA is Multilingual, Multiuser and multitasking software, which not only helps to effectively manage a library but also helps in reducing the overhead cost.





Students Teachers &Staff Membership Entries


Books Entries


Books Issue & Return




View the Reports

Nature of Automation: Fully Automated:-

Version: 19.11

Academic Year

Name of ILMS

Nature of automation (Fully/Partially)









File Description Document
4.2.1- View Link 2021-22View Document
Koha ILMS-4.2.1-2021-22View Document
4.2.1-KOHA purchase details- 2021-22View Document
4.2.1- Koha usage Report 2021-22View Document

4.2.2 The institution has subscription for the following e-resources 1. e-journals 2. e-ShodhSindhu 3. Shodhganga Membership 4. e-books 5. Databases 6. Remote access to e-resources (6)

File Description Document
4.2.2- View Link Details - (2021-22)View Document
4.2.2- TEMPLAT VIEW LINK- (2021-22)View Document
4.2.2.- Library Bills- 2021-22View Document
4.2.2.- GST Law 2021-22View Document
4.2.2-e-Books 2021-22View Document
4.2.2-IBI 2021-22View Document
4.2.2- Database J-Gate- 2021-22View Document
4.2.2- Additional View Link- Software Login Report 2021-2022View Document
4.2.2- Additional View Link- Turnitin Plagiarism Checker 2021-22View Document
4.2.2- Additional View Link- Membership Details- 2021-22View Document

4.2.3 Expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/ejournals during the year (INR in Lakhs) (5)

File Description Document
4.2.3.-Tamplete View Link 2021-22View Document
4.2.3.- Additional View Link (2021-22)View Document
4.2.3- Library Bills - 2021-22View Document
4.2.3- GST Law-2021-22View Document
4.2.3-e-Books - 2021-22View Document
4.2.3.- IBI- 2021-22View Document
4.2.3.- J-Gate-2021-22View Document
4.2.3-Budget Statement Additional Link -2021-22View Document
4.2.3- Books Requirements Additional Information :-2021-22.View Document
4.2.3.- Add. Link Koha Purchase Details-2021-22View Document
4.2.3. Add. Link Turnitin plagiarism purchase Details 2021-22View Document
4.2.3. - Additional Link -Research, magazine & News Papers Bill - 2021-22.View Document

4.2.4 Number per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for online access)(Data for the latest completed academic year)

File Description Document
4.2.4- Additional View Link- 2021-22View Document
4.2.4- View Link- 2021-22View Document
4.2.4-Upload last page of accession register details.2021-22View Document
4.2.4. Methods of Computing per day usage of libraryView Document
4.2.4- Number of user using library through e-access 2021-22View Document
4.2.4 Number of physically user accessing Library. (2021-22).View Document
4.3.4- Teacher's List (2021-22)View Document
4.2.4- list of Student's- 2021-22View Document

4.3 IT Infrastructure (30)

4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi (5)

The college has always given priority for up-gradation of IT facilities. The college provides continuous and regular Internet access throughout the campus and is Wi-Fi enabled. The college regularly updates the internet connection every year and as of now we have 5 multiple connections. Computers are installed at different places within the College campus (like computer lab, incubation cell, accounts office, administration office, principal office, library, examination cell, faculty rooms etc.).

  • We have multiple connections of Wi-Fi separately for students and teachers.
  • Since the entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled; all the computers including desktops as well as laptops can access internet facility.

The plans for infrastructural development and up-gradation are given top priority as the College realizes the correlation between adequate infrastructure and effective teaching – learning. The strategies adopted for ensuring adequate infrastructure are as follows:


  • At the beginning of the academic year, the college administration works for the up-gradation of existing infrastructure after assessment based on the suggestions from Heads of the departments, IT initiative and Website Committee report and lab technicians after reviewing course requirements, computer – student ratio, budget constraints , and also students grievances.

The college provides its students well-furnished computer labs, with 172 computers exclusively for students.

File Description Document
Total computersView Document

4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) (10)

4.3.2 Student – Computer Ratio

(Data for the academic year 2021-2022)


No. of Computers (for students)

Total no. of students





Student – Computer ratio is   9:1

File Description Document
Computer BillsView Document
Student_Computer_RatioView Document
Stock RegistersView Document
Link FileView Document

4.3.3 Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution Options: A. ≥50 MBPS B. 30 MBPS – 50 MBPS C. 10 MBPS – 30 MBPS D. 10 MBPS – 05 MBPS E. < 05 MBPS (15)


  1.  ≥ 50 MBPS
  2. 30 – 50 MBPS
  3. 10 – 30 MBPS
  4. 10 – 5 MBPS
  5. < 5 MBPS


There are 4 Internet connections (broadband) in our college to provide internet facility. All of these have a connection of 100 MBPS.

File Description Document
Internet BillsView Document

4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure (20)

4.4.1 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year(INR in Lakhs) (10)

File Description Document
Audited_StatementView Document
Expenditure_on_Physical_and_Academic_InfrastructureView Document
Data TemplateView Document

4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. (10)

(4.4.2) The College has various committees to maintain the infrastructure: the college Maintenance Committee, library committee, Sport committee, IT initiative and website committee that oversees the maintenance of buildings, classrooms, laboratories, etc. The maintenance committee is headed by the office superintendent, who in turn monitors the work of the supervisor at the next level. The Supervisor is accountable to the Office Superintendent and functions as the coordinator who efficiently organizes the workforce, maintaining duty files containing details about their individual floor - wise responsibilities, timings, leave, etc. The maintenance officer conducts periodic checks to ensure the efficiency / working condition of the infrastructure.



Feedback is collected from faculty members, students, and staff once a semester while visiting the library. The librarian reviews the feedback every semester, and based on the feedback, the librarian takes steps to improve the library procedure in consultation with the principal.


 Suggestion Register

 Complaints / suggestion register is kept along with the gate register to record the complaints and suggestions. The I/C reviews the register every semester and necessary corrective action is being taken in consultation with the Principal

File Description Document
additional documentsView Document

Criteria 5 - Student Support and Progression (140)

5.1 Student Support (50)

5.1.1 Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the Government during the year (20)

File Description Document
5.1.1 DATA TEMPLATEView Document
5.1.1 SELF ATTESTED LIST OF STUDENTS 2021-22View Document

5.1.2 Number of students benefitted by scholarships, freeships etc. provided by the institution / non- government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the year (5)

File Description Document
5.1.2 DATA TEMPLATEView Document
POLICY DOCUMENT 2021-22View Document

5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following 1. Soft skills 2. Language and communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) 4. ICT/computing skills (10)

File Description Document
Data TemplateView Document
Any Additional DocumentsView Document

5.1.4 Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the Institution during the year (10)

File Description Document
Any Additional DocumentsView Document
Data TemplateView Document

5.1.5 The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases (5)

File Description Document
Minutes of the meetings of Student Grievance Redressal CommitteeView Document
Minutes of the meetings of Anti-Ragging CommitteeView Document
Minutes of the meetings of Internal Complaints CommitteeView Document
Policy DocumentsView Document
Details of students grievances including sexual harassment and ragging casesView Document
Meeting MinutesView Document

5.2 Student Progression (30)

5.2.1 Number of placement of outgoing students during the year (10)

File Description Document
Data TemplateView Document
Additional InfoView Document

5.2.2 Number of students progressing to higher education during the year (10)

File Description Document
Data TemplateView Document
Additional InfoView Document

5.2.3 Number of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the year (eg: JAM/CLAT/GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State government examinations) (5)

5.3 Student Participation and Activities (50)

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the year. (20)

File Description Document
5.3.1 2021-22_Data TemplateView Document
Additional information 1_5.3.1View Document

5.3.2 Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extracurricular activities (student council/ students representation on various bodies as per established processes and norms ) (5)

The Student Council (LTF) has been formed since 2016-17 which together with faculty heads work for the holistic development of students. Starting from college discipline to conducting co curricular and extra curricular activities, the LTF plays a major role in cultural events, placement drives and various other events.


The Student Council hierarchy comprises of three main heads at the college level-

The Discipline head

The Management head

The Academic head

Class representative male and female from each class.


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Academic Council

Internal Complaints Committee

Student’s Grievances Redressal Committee

Hostel and Mess Committee

Co-curricular Committee


Co-curricular activities-

  • Essay competition
  • Conferences
  • Seminars
  • Convocation

Extra curricular activities-

  • XeniuM
  • Basketball tournament
  • Rashtriya Job fair
  • Workshops and other important activities.


Orientation Day

Freshers Day

Farewell Day

Arpan (Clothes Donation camp)

Old Age Home Visit

Blood donation camp


 The Drama Club

The Art and Craft Club

The Music Club

The Dance Club

The Anchor’s Club

The Sports Club

The Communicators


The Artificial Intelligence Club (AI club)

The Entrepreneurship Cell (E-cell)

The Happening Souls Club

The Happening Souls Media

The Happening Souls Publishing

File Description Document
LTF appointment Session 2021-22View Document
Role of LTF in various committeesView Document
LTF ActivitiesView Document

5.3.3 Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated during the year (organized by the institution/other institutions) (20)

File Description Document
Data template_5.3.3 2021-22View Document
5.3.3 2021-22 Additional information 1View Document
5.3.3 2021-22 Additional information 2View Document
5.3.3 2021-22 Additional information 3View Document
Link for Additional Information_5.3.3View Document

5.4 Alumni Engagement (10)

5.4.1 There is a registered Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and/or other support services (5)

File Description Document
Office Order 21-22View Document
Notice for Alumni 21-22View Document
Notice from Alumni Committee 21-22View Document
5.4.1 Alumni FilesView Document
Alumni Association DocumentsView Document

5.4.2 Alumni contribution during the year (INR in Lakhs) Options: A. ≥ 5Lakhs B. 4 Lakhs - 5Lakhs C. 3 Lakhs - 4Lakhs D. 1 Lakhs - 3Lakhs E. <1Lakhs (5)

Criteria 6 - Governance, Leadership and Management (100)

6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership (10)

6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution (5)

6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management (5)

6.1.2 Effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management

Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies, Student Council along with Academic Council is a good example of decentralization and participative management.

Believing in decentralization the management discusses the ideas related to academic goals, organizational progression and better campus with Principal. The Principal is assisted by the members of Academic Council, committees and students council which is managed by student council faculty head under the guidance of Dean Academics. Student council at LPCPS consist of LTF (LPCPS Task Force) and College Clubs. LPCPS Task Force (LTF) is further sub- divided into:

  1. LTF Management
  2. LTF Discipline
  3. LTF Academics
  4. CR Male
  5. CR Female

LTF head and Club student heads position is occupied by a student from final year programme supporting them are students from each class. CR male and CR female are also part of LTF for overall coordination. To be member of LPCPS Task Force and distinctive clubs students need to present themself before panel of judges and have to qualify judgment round. These positions under student council are especially aimed at helping students to get involved and find their own niche on their college campus.

So each committee member including student council actively participate in planning and executing all activities.

File Description Document
Link for Additional InformationView Document
Any Additional InformationView Document
The Organogram of the College Student Council and CommitteesView Document
Judgement Sheet ASHISHView Document
Judgement Sheet NRIPENDRAView Document
Judgement Sheet CHETANView Document
NoticeView Document

6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment (10)

6.2.1 The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed (2)

Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies (LPCPS) started its journey with two courses (BCA and BBA) in 2009. Under the strategic plan, LPCPS focused on increasing the number of new courses. Under this, B.Com and B.Com Honors courses were started in 2014, and BAJMC and B.Sc courses were started in 2016. As per the perspective plan, the college decided to launch certification courses. In 2016 college started six certificate programs including video & photography, tally, French, and IIT Bombay certification programs. Similarly, in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 many more programs were started. The aim of these programmes is to provide employable education to the LPCPS students.

                                  CERTIFICATE PROGRAMME OFFERED IN 2016-17                                 

IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorials



Cyber Security









Personality Development



Video & Photography




Programming in Python









Income Tax & Assessment




ST course in Effective




Artificial Intelligence















The above courses are running successfully. The employability ratio of the students increased due to these courses. These courses also enhance students' knowledge of their regular courses. Several other plans were effectively deployed in recent years like smart class, green energy campus, etc. As a process of digitalization, our library is fully automated using an integrated library management system (Koha). Overall the college achieved the target as per the last five-year perspective plan in all areas.

File Description Document
List of add on (value added) coursesView Document
Syllabus for value added courses (2021-22)View Document
Supporting documents (2021-22)View Document

6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc. (4)

The effectiveness and efficiency of institutional bodies are evident through their welldefined policies, streamlined administrative setups, and robust appointment and service rules. These foundational elements collectively contribute to the seamless functioning of our institution.  

Our policies serve as guiding principles, outlining the institution's objectives and strategies. Our well-crafted policy framework ensures clarity and consistency in decision-making processes, fostering a conducive environment for achieving institutional goals. Moreover, these policies often reflect a commitment to transparency and accountability, enhancing our institution's credibility.  

The administrative setup plays a pivotal role in executing policies and managing day-today operations. An efficient organizational structure promotes coordination, communication, and the optimal use of resources. Clear lines of authority and welldefined roles contribute to a smoother workflow, reducing the likelihood of bottlenecks and inefficiencies.  

Procedures act as the operational manual, detailing step-by-step processes to achieve specific tasks. Well-designed procedures facilitate consistency, reduce errors, and enhance overall efficiency. 

File Description Document
HR policy 6.2.2View Document
1st Revised HR PoliciesView Document

6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation (4)

File Description Document
Screenshot of Administration - user interface 21-22View Document
Bills of Administration - user interface 21-22View Document
Screenshot of Finance and accounts - user interface 21-22View Document
Bills of Finance and accounts - user interface 21-22View Document
Screenshot of Students admission and support - user interface 21-22View Document
Bills of Students admission and support - user interface 21-22View Document
Screenshot of Examination - user interface 21-22View Document
Bills of Examination - user interface 21-22View Document
E-Governance policyView Document
Annual E- governance reportView Document
ERP documents - 21-22View Document
Implementation of E-governance in the area of operation - 21-22View Document
Data template -6.2.3 21-22View Document
User interface of ERP panel - 21-22View Document
Additional information link -21-22 (6.2.3)View Document
Audited Balance sheet 2021-22View Document

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies (30)

6.3.1 The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and nonteaching staff (5)

Our institution takes pride in its commitment to the well-being of both teaching and nonteaching staff, exemplified by a comprehensive array of effective welfare measures. Recognizing that a content and motivated staff is fundamental to the institution's success, these measures encompass various facets of professional and personal life.  The institution ensures competitive and fair compensation packages for teaching and nonteaching staff, reflecting a commitment to recognizing their contributions. Beyond monetary benefits, the institution provides avenues for professional development, fostering continuous learning and growth. Training programs, workshops, and access to resources are tailored to enhance the skills and knowledge of the staff, enabling them to excel in their respective roles.  Furthermore, our institution places a strong emphasis on creating a positive work environment. Supportive policies, grievance redressal mechanisms, and open lines of communication contribute to a culture of trust and collaboration. Health and wellness initiatives are also prioritized, with wellness programs, health insurance coverage, and stress management resources aimed at promoting a holistic approach to employee well-being. 

File Description Document
Additional information link 6.3.1View Document
Revised HR policyView Document
1st Revised HR PoliciesView Document
Welfare Measures- Supporting Documents (2021-22)View Document

6.3.2 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year (10)

File Description Document
Any Additional InformationView Document
Details of teachers provided with financial support to attend conference workshops etc during the yearView Document
Policy DocumentView Document
e- copy of vouchers of Institution indicating financial assistance to teachersView Document
List of teachers receiving financial support signed by PrincipalView Document
Balance Sheet 2021-22View Document

6.3.3 Number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year (5)

File Description Document
6.3.3 DATA TEMPLATE (2021-22) EXCELView Document
6.3.3 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (2021-22) EXCELView Document
6.3.3 REPORTView Document
6.3.3 DATA TEMPLATE (2021-22) APPROVEDView Document
6.3.3 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (2021-22) APPROVEDView Document
6.3.3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONS (2021-22)View Document
6.3.3 ANNUAL REPORT (2021-22)View Document
6.3.3 ANNUAL REPORT (2021-22) (Page 21 - 31)View Document

6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty development Programmes (FDP) during the year (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course etc.) (5)

File Description Document
Supporting Documents CertificatesView Document
IQAC Report SummaryView Document
Details of Teachers Attended such ProgrammesView Document
Data Template 2021-22View Document
6.3.4 Data in Annual ReportView Document
Annual Report 2021-22View Document
Master FileView Document

6.3.5 Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and nonteaching staff (5)

LPCPS strictly follows the UGC regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other Academic staff with all amendments made there in from time to time.
The performance of each employee is assessed annually after completion of one year of service. The objective is not only to objectively evaluate the performance as per established norms, but also to identify potential aspects for improvement that can eventually lead to further progress and growth of the employee.
The Institution regularly assesses the performances of its staff by the following methods:
1. Performance appraisal by the Management.
2. Submission of self appraisal report by the faculty,which is based on following criteria:

  • Teaching related activity.
  • Co-curricular activities.
  • Research Activities.

Performance Appraisal for Teaching Staff :
The faculty appraisal is undertaken with the following objectives:
1. To assist teachers in their professional development and career planning.
2. To assist teachers to reflect about their potential and to carry out their duties more effectively.
3. To provide judgement to support promotion, demotion, transfer, confirmation, or termination.
4. To provide feedback to staff about their behaviour, attitude, skill or subject expertise.
5. To recognise the achievement of teachers and help them to identify ways of improving their knowledge, skill, attitude and ultimately performance.
6. To improve the quality of education for students.
For Non Teaching Staff:
All Non- teaching staff is also assessed through annual confidential performance appraisal and verified by reviewing officer. In that Appraisal various parameters are assessed under different categories i.e.
● Professional Competence
● Performance
● Attendance, Punctuality, Integrity and Behaviour; which is graded on a five-point scale.

File Description Document

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization (20)

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly (6)

Lucknow Public Educational Society is operational in the state of Uttar Pradesh & Delhi. The society has been set up to establish educational institutions to provide quality education and to work towards global development of the students. Internal Audit Internal Audit is planned and performed by the Management of Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies. The Financial Statements are prepared on the historical cost convention and the proper books of account are kept by the college. These statements are prepared in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP) and the applicable mandatory Accounting Standards. The preparation of financial statements requires adoption of estimates and assumptions that can affect the reported amount of revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities as well as the disclosure of contingent liabilities. External Audit R. P. Verma & Co, Chartered Accountants, have been our Statutory Auditors for the last 5 years. They are independent auditors appointed by the Society to conduct the audit of the financial statements of the Society. They have not pointed out any weakness in the internal control system. The reports of the statutory auditors are available for the last 5 years. They have stated in their report that proper books of accounts have been kept by the Society and expressed opinion that the financial statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles on the Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Account. The qualified opinion is not related to the systems and procedures or the internal control systems.

File Description Document

6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the last five years (not covered in Criterion III) (8)





File Description Document
BANK STATEMENT 21-22View Document

6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources (6)

LPCPS is committed towards the overall growth and development of the students and for ensuring these institutional strategies are decided to work upon them by making proper implementation on all the decisions on time with full efficiency and effectiveness.

Strategies for mobilization of funds:

1. Different departments, committees and individual staff members has to submit the proposals for the events to the college principal which will monitor the need, sanction and execution of such proposals.

2. The college encourages each section of the institution to find sponsors towards meeting the expenses for organization of events and activities.

3. Active involvement of Alumni Association is ensured, while organizing any event, activity or outreach program.

4. The principal is expected to study and recommend various ways to channelize funds for the development of the institution.

6. The new construction and maintenance works are to be sanctioned only after conducting a feasibility study under the guidance of principal.

7. Disaster relief and social outreach programs are being planned by the college on humanitarian grounds.

8. For meritorious students free ships are provided by the college.

9. College also focus on the co-curricular activities for the students and distribute funds for the sports and cultural activities.

10. Tuition fee is used mainly for the college infrastructure as well as academic activities.

11. As finalized by the Management, the funds are used according to the needs in the different heads as mentioned below:

File Description Document
Audited Balance Sheet 21-22View Document

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (30)

6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes (10)

6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities (10)

6.5.3 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include: 1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analyzed and used for improvements 2. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) 3. Participation in NIRF 4. any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA) (10)

Criteria 7 - Institutional Values and Best Practices (100)

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities (50)

7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year. (5)

File Description Document
Measures taken to promoteView Document
action plan 2021-2022View Document

7.1.2 The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures 1. Solar energy 2. Biogas plant 3. Wheeling to the Grid 4. Sensor-based energy conservation 5. Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment (5)

File Description Document

7.1.3 Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of degradable and non-degradable waste (within 200 words) (4)

The waste that is generated by all sorts of routine activities carried out in the college that includes plastic, paper, glass, metal, food, etc. are segregated. 
1.    All waste water lines from toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. must be connected to the septic tank.
2.    The College shall educate our staff and students about using other ways of waste disposal, such as recycling and reusing. 
1.    All the computer systems of  LPCPS is further used by our sister concern branch.
2.    Instead of frequently buying new computers, the computers exceeding their lifetime will be upgraded to meet the current needs.
3.    In a phased-out manner, batteries that don’t need refilling of distilled water will be used.
Key insights are as follows:
Solid Waste Management:-The waste is generated by all sorts of routine activities carried out in the college that includes plastic, paper, glass, metal, food, etc. We have set up color coded bins for different kinds of waste and making efforts to make sure that the right bins are being used. We use clearly labeled bins for dry and wet waste.

File Description Document
Additional_informationView Document
2021-22 7.3.1-Municipal corporation billView Document
2021-22-7.1.3 geotaggedView Document
[2021-22]-7.1.3 Waste management recordView Document

7.1.4 Water conservation facilities available in the Institution: 1. Rain water harvesting 2. Bore well /Open well recharge 3. Construction of tanks and bunds 4. Waste water recycling 5. Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus (4)

File Description Document
BILL 7.1.4View Document

7.1.5 Green campus initiatives include (4) The institutional initiatives for greening the campus are as follows: 1. Restricted entry of automobiles 2. Use of Bicycles/ Battery powered vehicles 3. Pedestrian Friendly pathways 4. Ban on use of Plastic 5. landscaping with trees and plants (4)


Green Practices


Initiatives by College towards Sustainable Environment 

Restricted entry of automobiles and Use of Bicycles:- We allow Staff and students parking to the designated parking area. Entry beyond that point is strictly prohibited.

Tree plantation:-  The purpose of the tree plantation is to save endangered environments and to beautify our life. Keeping this in mind LPCPS organizes every year tree plantation program on its foundation day.

Battery-powered Vehicles:   Battery -Powered Vehicles are the least polluting mode of transportation. Keeping this thing in mind we use a Battery-Powered Rickshaw in campus. The introduction of e- rickshaws has been welcomed as a small step towards achieving an eco-friendly campus.

Pedestrian Friendly roads:-  Campus has sufficient space for parking vehicles of staff and students. Entry of vehicles inside the campus is restricted.Pedestrians can walk safely through the campus.

Plastic-Free Campus:-  We stand to explore sustainable alternatives and decrease the use of plastic bags on the college campus. We encourage students to use reusable alternatives to plastic bags and properly recycle plastic bags that they may use

 Green landscaping with trees and plants:-  The entire college campus is divided and the separate ground is maintained with trees, rare and useful plants. We have been continuously conducting awareness workshops for faculties, students, and society for protecting and maintaining the environment.

File Description Document
7.1.5 geotagView Document
7.1.5_policy_documentView Document

7.1.6 Quality audits on environment and energy are regularly undertaken by the institution institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through the following 1.Green audit 2. Energy audit 3.Environment audit 4.Clean and green campus recognitions/awards 5. Beyond the campus environmental promotional activities (5)

File Description Document

7.1.7 The Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier free environment 1. Built environment with ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms. 2. Disabled-friendly washrooms 3. Signage including tactile path, lights, display boards and signposts 4. Assistive technology and facilities for persons with disabilities ( Divyangjan) accessible website, screen-reading software, mechanized equipment 5. Provision for enquiry and information : Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading material, screen reading (4)

File Description Document
7.7.1 (2021-2022)View Document
Policy DocumentsView Document
Elevator Installation BillView Document
AMC (Elevator)View Document
Wheelchair BillView Document

7.1.8 Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities (within 200 words). (5)

File Description Document
1.1 List of courses 21-22View Document
2.3 Final year studentsView Document
3.1 Full time facultyView Document
3.2 List of sanctioned facultyView Document

7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens (Describe the various activities in the Institution for inculcating values for being responsible citizens as reflected in the Constitution of India within 200 words). (4)

Lucknow Public College of Professional studies sensitizes its students and employees to the constitutional obligations about values, rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens which enables them to conduct as a responsible citizen. The college supports and promotes students to participate in the activities that enrich and empower students to inculcate values, rights, duties and responsibilities towards the Nation and encourage them to be a responsible citizen of the nation.


The college organized the activities mentioned below-


Cultural Celebrations like –

Christmas Celebration


Important Days like –

Founder’s Day

Republic Day

International Women’s Day

Essay competition on Mother Language Day


Special programmes like –

Convocation on violence against women

Rally for awareness on power of voting

Seminar on stress management techniques


Special Initiatives like –

Yoga session


Old Age Home visit


The affiliating University i.e University of Lucknow frames its curriculum by including subjects namely Role of Social Sciences in Mass Communication, Language and Cultural Studies, Science and Environment Journalism, Media and Social issues, Media and Gender, Women, Leadership and Management etc. to provide an essence of Indian traditional knowledge to the students and their responsibility towards their environment.

File Description Document
Activities (Session 2021-22)View Document
Lucknow University SyllabusView Document

7.1.10 The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard. (5)

7.1.11 Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals (5)

File Description Document
notices 2021View Document
reports 2021-22View Document
additional information 21-22View Document
geotags 2021-2022View Document

7.2 Best Practices (30)

7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format provided in the Manual. (30)


  1. Title of the Practice

Village Adoption

  1. Objectives
  • Fostering village development
  • Educating college students regarding their social responsibility
  1. Context
  • College aligns with 'UBP', adopting a village for holistic growth.
  • Student involvement requires strategic planning and collaboration.
  1. Practice

Program nurtures student growth amidst rural challenges, emphasizing empathy, problem-solving, and sustained impact.

  1. Success Evidence
  • Beneficiary lists
  • Appreciation letter
  • College reports with photos

Attachment is in the additional file.

  1. Problems and Resources
  • Motivating faculty, students
  • Resource balancing
  • Securing financial support




  1. Title

Higher Education Awareness Program (HEAP)

  1. Objectives
  • Elevate awareness about higher education
  • Increase lower Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in UP.
  1. Context
  • College decided to involve 15 schools at Academic Council meeting.
  • Practice entails aligning session objectives, obtaining funds, and securing approval from schools.
  1. Practice

Besides student development, the college advocates Higher Education to 10+2 students and guardians. Overcoming challenges of engaging guardians and financial resources was pivotal.

  1. Success Evidence
  • List of engaged 16 schools
  • Copy of Principal Approval Form
  • Copy of Feedback Forms
  • Photos

Attachment is in the additional file.

  1. Problems and Resources
  • Approval from school
  • Managing expenses
  • Financial constraints of guardians
  • College provides Freeship
File Description Document
7.2.1 Best Practice in the Institutional web siteView Document
7.2.1 Additional InformationView Document

7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness (20)

7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 200 words

LPCPS is dedicated to nurturing individual talents, prioritizing student-centric education, and fostering holistic development. Emphasizing students' interests, the college champions a learner-centric approach, allowing students to shape their learning paths and methods.

LPCPS Task Force (LTF) and Clubs

Central to this ethos are LTF and diverse clubs, engaging students across technical, management, cultural, and recreational domains. These platforms encourage 360-degree appraisal of students' versatile personalities. Sports, Drama, Dance, Kalakriti, Music, Artificial Intelligence, Anchors, Communicators and other clubs operates under student leadership, promoting skill enhancement and holistic growth.

Rashtriya Job Festival - RJF

The RJF, a flagship annual event, serves as a bridge between academia and industry, facilitating career opportunities with over 50+ reputed companies. Notably, the college has consistently facilitated placements and career opportunities, with over 600+ selections each year, underscoring its commitment to student success.

International Exposure

LPCPS prioritizes global educational diversity through quality education, sports, and cultural events like XeniuM, hosting participants from nations like South Africa, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Despite a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021-22, LPCPS remains committed to reinstating and broadening such initiatives, nurturing students into globally-minded individuals for success in an interconnected world.

File Description Document
7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness in the Institutional web siteView Document
7.3.1 Additional InformationView Document

7.3.2 Plan of action for the next academic year

                                                  Plan of action for the next academic year

  1. To provide add on courses for value based teaching and learning for the students
  2. To continue to provide congenial learning environment for holistic development of Students, Faculty and Supporting Staff
  3. To organize more workshops, seminars and conferences for the inculcating research, innovation and development skills  in the students and staff
  4. To sensitize and support students for participation in community and societal development programmes
  5. To conduct various activities that will help students and staff to develop these skills
  6. To continue to provide holistic value based education
  7. To promote and develop collaboration (MoU) with institutional and corporate houses
  8. To impart and enrich entrepreneurial skills
  9. To improve Teaching Learning & Evaluation process 
  10. To encourage and support the experiential learning through offering project and field study work.
  11. To support and promote welfare measures for the students and staff